Utility bill mailing will resume in January. If you still need to access your December bill, view it online through Online Services. Learn about convenient payment options to keep your account up to date.


Council Policies
These policies are approved by Council. Council Policies* state what the City intends to achieve and give high-level direction on how to achieve it. They are necessary when additional guidance is required to achieve strategic goals and direction outlined in strategy. Through these policies, Council exercises their governance powers to set discretionary duties or standards of performance for the City or for themselves. Council Policies are listed below.

*Pre-June 2022, Council Policies were called Corporate Policies, so the title "Corporate Policy" may be found at the top of many Council Policies for the foreseeable future.

Administrative Policies
These policies are approved by the City Manager and outline the duties and standards for the operational performance of Administration. They are inward facing, focusing on how Administration conducts its business and internal work processes and generally affect staff only. However, there are exceptions where an Administrative Policy may directly affect the public. Only Administrative Policies that may directly affect the public are listed below.

While the City makes every effort to ensure the most recent and up-to-date policies are listed, we cannot guarantee that any policy listed is the most current.

Copies of city policies may be purchased by the public for a nominal reproduction fee. For more information, call 780-962-7615 or email City Clerk.

Council Policies

Administrative Policies