Spruce Grove is a fast-growing, dynamic city committed to building and maintaining a fiscally responsible community that serves our residents, attracts visitors and promotes future growth.

Information about members of Spruce Grove City Council.
Department contact and service information provided by the City of Spruce Grove.
Find out the latest news, from The City of Spruce Grove, our community, and our Council.
Read and download our most asked-about bylaws.
Find links to policies that govern the activities of council and city staff.
The City of Spruce Grove posts public notices for public hearings, Subdivision Development and Appeal Board hearings, notice of development permit decisions, and borrowing bylaws when they are available and required.
Requests for Proposal, Requests for Quotation or other bid solicitations and opportunities.
If you have suffered property damage or injury and believe the City may be responsible, you can submit a claim using our online form.
Learn about rates, payment, calculating your taxes and assessment.
CityPulse is a bi-weekly e-newsletter where we share timely updates on City news, projects, and events.
A weekly feature in the Spruce Grove Examiner providing information on City of Spruce Grove events, programs and services.
Information about engineering standards, planning policies, land use regulations and processes.
Learn about the City's strategic plan, corporate plan, and other long-range plans in key areas.
Census information also helps us better understand the community so we can effectively plan for the future.
General municipal elections are held every four years. Voters elect one mayor and six councillors to a four year term.
Connect with the City of Spruce Grove on numerous social media platforms.
Franchise fees reflect the City’s charge to utility operators for the exclusive right to provide utility services within Spruce Grove.
Learn about which level of government is responsible for providing certain programs or services.
Office closure dates and information about holiday impacts on waste and transit services.
Department and facility contact information for the City of Spruce Grove.
Understand how the City collects and uses your personal information.
Learn about public's right to know and the individual's right to privacy with regard to records held by the City.
Links to several convenient tools where residents and business owners can complete common tasks online.