Off-Site Levies

Off-site levies are used to pay for new infrastructure or the expansion of existing infrastructure required because of development. An off-site levy is a charge imposed by a municipality and collected from a developer as a condition of development or subdivision. The Municipal Government Act (MGA) authorizes what off-site levies can be collected for and these charges are authorized by Council through the adoption of the Offsite-Levy bylaw

Off-Site Levy bylaw

The off-site levy rates are reviewed and adjusted on an annual basis to reflect updated construction costs, interest and carry costs, and the amount of developable land. These reviews ensure that the Off-Site Levy bylaw remains up-to-date with master plans and policies.

Annual reports

Each year the City of Spruce Grove administration reviews the offsite levy rates and projects to ensure they are relevant to the City and developers. This review must be reported annually as per section 648.4 of the Municipal Government Act and include the off-site levies imposed and collected by the City in the previous year.

*The 2021 annual report was not completed due to COVID and lack of development during that year.

2023 Off-Site Levy Report
2022 Off-Site Levy Report
2020 Off-Site Levy Report
2019 Off-Site Levy Report 
2018 Off-site Levy Review

Have more questions?

Feel free to email your questions about off-site levies to our Municipal Engineer.