Corporate Plan

In the past 15 years, Spruce Grown has grown significantly, and in 2024 we hit a population milestone of 40,000 residents! While it is exciting to be part of a growing municipality, it also adds pressure to maintain infrastructure and service levels. We remain committed to exploring new strategies and adjustments to ensure that services can be maintained effectively while also investing in and serving our community. The 2025-2027 Approved Corporate Plan puts service delivery and fiscal responsibility at the forefront.

2025 Budget Highlights

A summary of the municipal budget and how funds are allocated to various programs, service areas and projects, as well a breakdown of utility rates and property taxes.

View 2025 Budget Highlights

2025-2027 Approved Corporate Plan

Approved by City Council on December 2, 2024, the Corporate Plan outlines the resources required to deliver programs and services, provide funding to the community, and implement Council's Strategic Plan.

View the 2025-2027 Corporate Plan

What is a corporate plan?

As a municipal government, the City of Spruce Grove is responsible for infrastructure, programs and services that directly impact the day-to-day lives of City residents. This includes transportation networks (roads and trails) utility services and structures (water, sanitary sewer, stormwater and solid waste), parks and open spaces, as well as funding community facilities such as the TransAlta Tri-Leisure Centre and the Spruce Grove Public Library. The Corporate Plan outlines the resources required to deliver these programs and services, provide funding to the community, as well as implementing Council’s vision for the City of Spruce Grove, as described in the 2022-2025 City of Spruce Grove Strategic Plan