Ban lifted on non-essential water use

July 22, 2024

UPDATE - July 25, 2 p.m. 

The restriction on municipal non-essential water use has been lifted. Thank you for doing your part to conserve water during restrictions.

Water restrictions on non-essential municipal operations in effect - July 22, 12 p.m.

Due to the recent extreme hot weather, the region is seeing an increase in water demand. Effective immediately, Spruce Grove is under Water Demand Measure A restrictions, which means there are water restrictions on non-essential potable water use for all municipal operations.

The City has suspended all non-essential water usage operations until conditions improve. This includes water main flushing, sewer main flushing, fire fighting training that uses water, street cleaning (sweeping and flushing), irrigation, fleet vehicle washing, and spray decks.

This means both the Central Park and Fuhr Sports Park splash pads will be closed until further notice. The REMAX Spray Park located in Jubilee Park will remain open at this time as it operates using a water recirculating system.

Landscape and planter maintenance may continue provided that alternate non-potable water can be used.

Hot, dry weather can create more demand than supply. Water restrictions give our reservoirs and water treatment plants an opportunity to recover so that there is sufficient supply to meet essential requirements such as firefighting needs and drinking water.

There is currently no restriction on residential or business use; however, the community is always encouraged to monitor their water usage and follow good conservation practices.

Ways residents can conserve water include:

  • Taking shorter showers instead of baths
  • Turning off taps while brushing your teeth or shaving
  • Delaying laundry
  • Washing small amounts of dishes by hand

We recognize this may cause inconveniences and ask for your patience. This restriction will help reduce our demand on the water supply and may prevent entering into further water demand measures which may include mandatory water restrictions.

Learn more about water restrictions.