Utility bill mailing will resume in January. If you still need to access your December bill, view it online through Online Services. Learn about convenient payment options to keep your account up to date.

Street Sweeping

Residential street sweeping is completed in the spring and fall to remove debris that accumulates on our roads and public parking lots. This includes leaves, sand, gravel, branches, rocks, dirt and garbage.

Please give crews plenty of room to work, and help us keep our streets clean, by removing vehicles and other items (ex: basketball nets) from the roadway when street sweeping is scheduled for your neighbourhood. In doing this, you help us ensure motorist safety and keep debris from ending up in the City's stormwater network. Our crews are also able to provide a more effective and efficient service to the community.

Questions about street sweeping? Check out the frequently asked questions!

Street sweeping progress

Street sweeping takes place weekdays, weather permitting. When street sweeping is in progress, the information below will be updated Monday to Friday during normal business hours (8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.).

Last updated:

Subdivision Anticipated start date Status


Street Sweeping FAQs

Residential roads are swept in the spring to remove debris that accumulates over the winter from ice control activities and in the fall to collect mud, sand and other debris that may have tracked onto the roadways by vehicles. While clean streets look nice and are safer for users, it is also important to keep this debris from entering catch basins and accumulating in the stormwater system where it is more expensive to retrieve and may have harmful environmental effects.

Following the initial spring clean-up of all roadways in the City, street sweeping continues through the summer and fall for higher use roads or in response to a need created by a spill, traffic accident, construction or maintenance activity.

Vehicles are not towed during residential sweeping. The City encourages residents to check the online progress chart on the City’s website for sweeping schedules so they can remove their vehicles from the street prior to sweeping in their area.

The sweeping of residential roads is scheduled between the hours of 7 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday. The City sweeps 20 hours per day during the spring in order to get the City cleaned-up quickly and allow for other seasonal maintenance priorities such as line painting.

Spring sweeping in residential areas will start only when higher priority arterial and collector​ roads* have been swept and weather conditions permit. Once the date to begin residential sweeping has been determined, the online progress chart will be updated with the anticipated start dates of each subdivision as they become available.

* Arterial roads are the main roads within Spruce Grove like Grove Drive, Century Road, Calahoo Road and Jennifer Heil Way. Collector roads are the main, high-traffic roads typically within subdivisions.

Neighbourhoods are added to the online progress chart as each area is scheduled. Scheduling of neighbourhoods is done in consideration of factors including available resources, weather conditions, and waste collection days so the entire City cannot be scheduled at once. Posting the schedule online allows for quick updates as neighbourhoods are completed or scheduled.

Electronic signs are placed on the major arterial roads only during spring clean-up advising residents to check the website for residential sweeping schedules. The online progress chart lets residents see what day their neighbourhood is scheduled to be swept.

Residential streets will be swept by schedule in the spring and fall unless there is a safety concern or an emergent condition requiring a response. All other classes of roads are not swept by an advertised schedule and may be swept at any time.

All residential areas will be swept during the spring clean-up period as they are scheduled. Scheduling of neighbourhoods is done in consideration of factors including available resources, weather conditions, and waste collection days.

The online progress chart lets residents see what day their neighbourhood is scheduled to be swept.

Questions or concerns?

Use Online Services to report a problem or contact Public Works.