Utility Rates
As of January 1, 2025, the water utility rate is $5.13 m3 (220 gallons) of water consumed. The sanitary sewer rate is $2.72 per m3 based on water consumption. The amount of water consumed by your household may change during each billing cycle, and differs from one household to another.
Solid waste rates
Solid waste (garbage, recycling and organics) collection is billed monthly for each residential dwelling unit. Residents have the choice between a regular or small sized black waste cart. Rates as of January 1, 2024 remain as follows:
Regular sized (240 litre) black waste cart | Small (120 litre) black waste cart |
$25.07 per month | $21.82 per month |
Please note: Waste collection fees are billed for the upcoming month. If you have received your first utility bill and the amount is higher than the above rate, please note that charges begin on your possession date and include charges to the end of the following month.
Interested in switching to a small black waste cart? Call 780-962-7584 or send an email. For details about waste collection, visit Garbage and Recycling.
Stormwater rates
Stormwater utility rates are billed monthly and all property owners with City water service are required to contribute. The stormwater utility rates as of January 1, 2025 are as follows:
Customers with water meters under 1 inch | Customers with water meters that are 1 inch or larger |
$19.56 per month Typically found on residential properties |
$78.26 per month Typically found on non-residential and commercial properties |
Please note: Stormwater utility fees are billed for the upcoming month. If you have received your first utility bill and the amount is higher than the above rate, please note that charges begin on your possession date and include charges to the end of the following month.
To be considered a single, large customer and therefore eligible to receive one bill rather than multiple separate bills, property owners with multiple meters under 1 inch must meet the following criteria: be a not-for profit organization, deliver affordable housing, occupy a single parcel of land, and contain a private storm network that provides storage on the property prior to entering the City’s stormwater network.
The stormwater utility model is quickly becoming best practice in many Canadian municipalities. St. Albert, Leduc, Stony Plain, Edmonton, and Devon all fund stormwater services through a user fee model.
Compared to property taxes, a stormwater utility fee is a fair approach because rates are based on the amount of stormwater runoff parcels of land generally generate, rather than property value. It also provides dedicated funding for stormwater services.
Maintaining the stormwater network is essential to reduce the risk of flooding that can damage your property and the environment. This utility helps with:
- Testing the quality of stormwater before it enters streams and creeks.
- Inspecting stormwater outlets to ensure there are no blockages to water flow.
- Maintaining and repairing over 100 kilometres of pipe that make up the public drainage system to prevent backups and counteract the impact of spills.
- Finding solutions for cleaning stormwater ponds in the city.
- Street sweeping to remove debris before it reaches streams.