Utility Accounts

The City of Spruce Grove provides water, waste and stormwater management services to its residents, and is committed to delivering sustainable services. Your utility bill covers water, sewer, garbage collection, curbside organics and curbside recycling, and stormwater management.

If you are moving to Spruce Grove you need to set up a utilities account to pay for water services, solid waste collection and stormwater. If you are already a resident and are moving to another location within the city, you need to close your current account and open a new one.

Moving into a new home?


Apply for residential water and waste collection services by filling out our onlineĀ form.


Follow the steps on the Utility Information for Landlords page to apply for residential water and waste collection services.

Cancelling your utilities

Fill out the Move Out Request form to close your utility account before moving out of your home.

Utility Consumer Advocate

To learn more about finding the right gas or electric company for you and for questions regarding rates and regulatory policies, contact the Utility Consumer Advocate. The Utility Consumer Advocate is established to educate, advocate and mediate for residential, farm and small business utility customers.


If you have more questions, please contact us by phone at 780-962-7597, or by emailing us at utinfo@sprucegrove.org.