Snow Routes
Snow routes, also known as collector roads, are the main, high-traffic roads typically within subdivisions. All snow routes are identified year-round by permanently-affixed signs on street lamp posts.
Parking is permitted on snow routes until snow routes are declared active. When snow routes are active, yellow signs will be posted along the route and residents will have 24 hours from the time the sign is posted to remove any vehicles from the route (signs are posted a minimum of 24 hours in advance of the start of snow removal operations). Vehicles that are not removed will be towed. Snow removal on snow routes located in school areas may occur overnight or during early morning hours to help reduce traffic impacts during the school day. Once the yellow signs are removed, parking will again be permitted. When snow routes are active, residents can check snow route progress online.
Snow route progress
When snow routes are active, this information will be updated regularly.
NO PARKING on snow routes starting at 7 a.m. on Wednesday, November 27 until snow routes are inactive.
Please note: This list is alphabetical and not in sequence of snow removal.
Last updated:
Snow removal education
Check out our latest snow removal videos to see how snow removal takes place in Spruce Grove, and how you play an important role to help keep our community safe and accessible!