
Each residence in Spruce Grove is provided with a green organics cart that can be used to collect food and yard waste. Green organics carts are collected on your regular waste collection day on a weekly basis from mid-April to mid-November and monthly from December to March.

Extra organic waste

If residents have more organic waste than what fits into their cart with the lid completely closed, they are encouraged to take it to the Eco Centre, or save the bags for the following week’s pickup. The Eco Station will accept up to three cubic metres of waste at no charge. People who notice they frequently have extra organics could consider grass-cycling (leaving grass clipping on the lawn instead of bagging them) to reduce their waste.

The City also offers four extra organics collection events each year - two in the spring and two in the fall - to provide an opportunity for residents to dispose of extra yard waste that does not fit into their green organics carts.

Organics collection schedule

Weekly organics collection will end the week of November 11-15, 2024.

Winter organics collection will take place:

  • Dec. 9-13, 2024
  • Jan. 6-10, 2025
  • Feb. 10-14, 2025
  • March 10-14, 2025

Weekly organics collection will resume the week of April 7, 2025.

Sort with Success

Not sure if an item can go in your green organics cart? Search for it here and learn if it can go in your green organics cart or if it has to go in your black waste cart or blue recycle bag instead.


Get the most out of your green organics cart

  • Line your cart with newspaper for a quick and inexpensive solution to items sticking or freezing to the sides of your cart.
  • Trap wet waste in paper towel, newspaper, paper bags or cereal boxes to avoid a mess.
  • Minimize odours by freezing meat, fish and other odorous items until collection day.
  • Clean out your fridge close to your organics collection day.
  • Use bags to collect organic waste, but make sure they are certified compostable. Biodegradable and plastic bags cannot be placed in your green organics cart.
  • Layer wet and dry waste to help absorb excess moisture and prevent items freezing to the cart in winter.
  • Control flies and bugs by spreading dish soap around the lip of your cart.
  • Let the waste in your cart rest because pressing it down tightly may prevent items from emptying during collection.
  • Store your cart in a dry place as rain and snow allow water to collect inside the cart which can cause damage or hinder emptying.
  • Pull your cart to the curb (instead of pushing it) to prevent snow or debris from gathering in front of the cart and making it difficult to collect.
  • Make your cart accessible so staff can easily get to it on collection day. Make sure there is an arm’s length of clearance on all sides of the cart.
  • Hose down your cart (inside and out) with soap, baking soda or ammonia.


To report a broken or damaged cart, or missed collection, please call 780-962-7584.