Free-cycle and Large Item Pick Up


Free-cycle will take place May 31 - June 1, 2025.

Your trash could be someone else’s treasure.

Free-cycle is a community event where residents can leave unwanted items at the front of their home for others to take. It’s a great way to keep reusable items out of the landfill.

How it works

Leave your unwanted items on the front of your property next to the curb or sidewalk. All items must be free and legal. Don’t leave items in your alley, on sidewalks or on the roadway.

If you are out looking for new treasures, only take items that are on the very front of someone’s property. Don’t take items from alleys, on driveways or lawns.

Residents must remove any items that do not qualify for Large Item Pick Up from their properties by the end of the day.

Avoid disappointment

If you have items normally stored outdoors, like sports and gardening equipment or decorations and ornaments, it’s a good idea to put them away during Free-cycle. This helps avoid confusion about what is and isn't up for grabs.

Large Item Pick Up

Large Item Pick Up will take place June 2-6, 2025.

Have an old sofa or barbecue you need to get rid of? Put them out for the City's Large Item Pick Up event.

How it works

A maximum of three large items will be accepted per household.

Items must be placed at the front of your home by 7 a.m. on your regular waste collection day, even if your carts and blue recycling bags are picked up in an alley.

Large items will be collected by different trucks than your regular waste collection.

Items that WILL BE collected:

  • Household furniture, mattresses and box springs
  • Stoves, dishwashers, washers, dryers, furnaces and hot water tanks
  • Sinks and toilets
  • Snow blowers and lawn mowers (all fluids must be drained)
  • Bicycles, hockey nets and basketball nets. These items must be marked with a note indicating the item is intended for Large Item Pick Up.
  • Wheel barrows, rain barrels, lawn furniture and barbecues (no tanks). These items must be marked with a note indicating the item is intended for Large Item Pick Up.

Items that WILL NOT be collected:

  • Household renovation, construction and demolition material
  • Additional household waste and organics
  • Hazardous materials, including but not limited to paint, motor oil, batteries, fuels and propane tanks/bottles
  • Fridges, freezers and air conditioners
  • Railroad ties, snowmobiles, ATVs, vehicle parts, tires and engines
  • Assembled swing sets
  • Electronics, including TVs, stereos, desktop printers and computers (monitors, towers, key boards, speakers and mice)
  • Items larger than six feet by three feet (1.8 metres by 0.9 metres)
  • Items weighing more than 200 pounds
  • Glass and mirrors of any kind
  • Microwaves


If you have any questions, call 780-962-7584 or send an email to our team.