Wildlife Control

The City of Spruce Grove is located in the Low Boreal Mixed Wood Ecological Area, which is the natural habitat for many species of birds and animals. Most wild animals will avoid direct contact with humans and the urban environment, however occasionally wild animals will be present in the City through the attraction of our parks and trail systems or the incursion of human into their natural habitat.

The presence of wildlife in and around our community can enhance our quality of life. The City of Spruce Grove believes in good environmental stewardship and the preservation of wildlife, however situations may arise which require intervention to protect citizens and wildlife.

The City of Spruce Grove cannot accept any liability for citizens who approach or attempt to handle wildlife. Citizens using our parks and green spaces are cautioned to exercise diligence and common sense in all dealings with wild animals.

When wild animals are encountered, citizens should avoid any contact. To report a problematic wildlife sighting, please call Enforcement Services at 780-962-7586.

The City of Spruce Grove cannot assume any responsibility for the control or removal of wildlife.