Fire Prevention Week

Fire Prevention Week is October 8-14, 2023. The theme is Cooking safety starts with YOU! 

This year's theme is meant to raise awareness and educate residents about simple but important actions they can take when cooking to keep themselves and those around them safe.  

Did you know?

Unattended cooking and cooking equipment is the leading cause of house fires (32%) and injuries caused by house fires (43%) in Canada. 

Keep these safety tips in mind when cooking to reduce the risk of a fire.

  • Watch what you heat. Always keep a close eye on what you're cooking and set a timer to remind yourself.
  • Keep a "child-and-pet-free zone" of at least one meter (3 feet) around the stove or grill, and anywhere else hot food or drink is prepared or carried.
  • Always keep a lid nearby when cooking on the stove. If a small grease fire starts, slide the lid over the pan and turn off the burner. NEVER use water to put out a grease fire.
  • Turn pot and pan handles toward the back of the stove so that they can't be bumped or pulled down by small children.
  • Stand by your pan. Never leave food cooking unattended in the kitchen, even just for a minute. If you must leave the kitchen, turn off the stove or burner.

To learn more about Fire Prevention Week, visit

Fire Prevention Week colouring contest

Spruce Grove kids, we want to see your colouring skills! To celebrate Fire Prevention Week, we're holding a colouring contest for kids ages 5 to 12. To participate in the contest, follow these steps:

  1. Ask a parent or adult to help you download the Fire Prevention Week colouring sheet.
  2. Print it off, grab your crayons or pencils, and show us your stuff!
  3. Take a photo of your artwork and ask a parent or adult to help you email it to by Saturday, October 14. Make sure the email contains:
    • Subject line: Fire Prevention Week colouring contest
    • Artist's name
    • Artist's age
    • Parent or guardian's name
    • Parent or guardian's phone number

In mid-October, we will contact the lucky winner(s) to schedule their private tour of the Protective Services Building (home of Spruce Grove Fire Services and Enforcement Services) and they will win some cool prizes! Good luck to everyone and happy colouring!