Crime Free Multi-Housing

The Crime Free Multi-Housing Program (CFMH) is a crime prevention program designed to reduce illegal activity on multi-dwelling properties. The program began in Arizona in 1992, and was brought to Canada in 1994.

CFMH is based on education and community cooperation. The program consists of three phases that are intended to address criminal activity while also enhancing the feeling of safety and sense of community in rental properties. The completion of the phases emphasize how a community of property owners, managers, tenants, law enforcement and support services can work together to dissuade criminal activity on rental properties.

Phase I of the program is a landlord training workshop which focuses intensely on the benefits of being an involved landlord. Property owners and managers learn active management principles and techniques that assist in keeping illegal activity off their property, such as understanding landlord/tenant legal framework; careful tenant selection; treating tenants with respect. Training is offered twice yearly in conjunction with Edmonton Police Service.

Phase II is a property safety assessment using principles of "Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design" (CPTED) – for example: good lighting, proper locks, well-maintained property. This will be completed by the Spruce Grove/Stony Plain RCMP Community Policing Unit.

Phase III involves a Safety Social gathering for the tenants. The aim of the social is to increase crime prevention awareness, promote general safety principles, build a sense of community and ensure tenant buy in. Residents gather for a meal, and police provide crime prevention information and suggestions.

Once a property has completed all three phases, a CFMH metal sign is attached to the building on the property. Each property must be certified annually.

Currently in Spruce Grove, properties certified include:

More information on Crime-Free Multi Housing is available on the International Crime-Free Association’s website.