TELUS PureFibre Build
You may have noticed more TELUS trucks in your neighbourhood than usual. Throughout 2022, TELUS is connecting neighbourhoods in Spruce Grove to the TELUS PureFibre® network. This network will provide outstanding speed, quality and reliability for phone, internet, TV and additional services.
Key Messages
- Excavations on the Utility Right of Way are temporary and necessary, so that existing utilities can be exposed and not damaged during the construction process
- During the construction cycle, excavations must remain open until the new fibre facilities are directionally drilled through the ground
- Holes are then backfilled, compacted and re-seeded - normally the entire process takes 3 weeks, but can be susceptible to rain/weather delays
- TELUS is working with its build partners to tighten the construction cycle timeline to reduce the time holes are open
- Any unsafe holes or safety hazards can be reported directly to the CTI Escalation & Information Hotline: 780-914-5891
Installation process
The PureFibre® network will be connected in three steps.
Step 1: Connecting your community
- Majority of the network will be built on existing utility poles
- Signs posted to notify you of crews working in your neighbourhood
- Excavation in roadways and public property and work on overhead lines to install new infrastructure
- Construction planned April to December between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m.
Step 2: Connecting your home
- Fibre-optic line installed from main network to outside your home
- Best path on your property for fibre line to run will be determined
- Once installed, you’ll have new fibre-optic and existing copper line to your home
Step 3: Transferring your services to TELUS PureFibre®
TELUS will contact you and book an appointment to transfer any phone, internet, TV or additional services from the copper network to TELUS PureFibre®. A TELUS technician will need to access your home to transfer these services.
About the project
The TELUS PureFibre® network is made up of durable strands of glass, which transmit information as pulses of light and carry amounts of information in seconds.

TELUS is the only major provider in Western Canada with a 100% fibre optic connection to the home1. That means a fast, always consistent connection. Other providers’ networks switch to copper cable before reaching homes, meaning their customers don’t see the benefits of a true fibre connection. Once TELUS PureFibre® construction is complete, you’ll be able to enjoy seamless streaming, gaming and video calls.
Once the fibre connection is installed, homes and businesses will have the option to connect to the fibre optic network and experience the country’s fastest internet technology.
Location and Impacts
The majority of construction will take place on public boulevards and utility rights-of-way. In cases where some work needs to take place on private property, TELUS will send out communications to all homeowners in the construction area.

Spring Restoration
Part of TELUS’ overall community investment is ensuring the restoration of all property to the same condition it was in prior to construction. This can include soft surface restoration, such as levelling with new topsoil and planting grass seed. In places where hard surfaces are impacted, such as concrete or asphalt driveways, TELUS will always fill and repair an impact afterwards. Some restoration may have to wait until spring as this work is weather dependent, and will resume as soon as the ground conditions permit.
TELUS and their sub-contractor CTI have already begun revisiting neighbourhoods that had construction in the fall. The first step is to identify and make safe any hazards that have opened up under the snow. They'll be returning again through the months of April and May, once the frost is out of the ground, to perform further compaction, soil top-ups and re-seed. If there is an immediate safety hazard or you want to speak to them about your yard, contact the CTI Escalation Hotline at: 780-914-5891.
Once the TELUS PureFibre® install is complete, reseeding will take place in all impacted areas. Click here for detailed watering instructions for newly reseeded property.
Have more questions?
If you have any questions about the TELUS PureFibre® network, please read their FAQs.
If you have any other questions regarding the project including construction, please contact:
Jeff Nichol
Senior Regional Marketing Manager
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