Water Conservation

Conserving water is one of the many ways that you can help take action against the effects of climate change. There are a number of ways to conserve water around your home and therefore reduce your water bill. You can find information about common water wasters in your home, how to save water indoors, identify common leaks that waste water, and reduce your summer water bill.

Indoor water saving tips

There are a number of ways to conserve water in your household. Check out this interactive tool that will help you find ways to conserve water in your home.

Common leaks that waste water

There are a number of common leaks inside and outside your home that could be wasting water. Every cubic meter of water that you use – even if it’s wasted – is registered on your meter, so leaks could be increasing your water bill.

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Five ways to reduce your household water bill

There are a number of ways to conserve water in your home and therefore reduce your water bill. Watch the video to see the five best ways to conserve water in your home and save money on your water bill.

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Nine ways to reduce your summer water bill

Water use typically increases during the summer months when Spruce Grove residents are watering their lawns and gardens. To help prevent a substantial increase in your water bill during the summer, watch the video below to find out how you can conserve water in your yard.

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Beware the water wasters

Click the image thumbnails below to find different tips on how to save water in different areas of your home.

bathroom tips
Kitchen water saving tips
Utility room
Laundry room