Utility bill mailing will resume in January. If you still need to access your December bill, view it online through Online Services. Learn about convenient payment options to keep your account up to date.

Climate Adaptation Projects

The City has a variety of projects supporting climate adaptation, both completed and underway that align with the City’s 2022-2025 Strategic Plan:

  • Exploring opportunities for indoor recreation during extreme heat or poor air quality times – Strategic Goal 8c
  • Protecting Fenwyck Fen area as an Environmental Reserve and natural assets analysis – Strategic Goal 9b
  • Updating flood mapping and stormwater plan – Strategic Goal 8b
  • Working with Emergency Response Committee – Strategic Goal 8c
  • Increasing tree canopy
  • Reviewing real time ice updates for outdoor rinks/ice conditions – Strategic Goal 8c
  • Undertaking waste audits
  • Developing an urban agriculture strategy that provides more opportunities for residents to interact with the environment – Strategic Goal 5
  • Preparing educational resources for residents to help them adapt to climate change – Strategic Goal 8a

Spruce Grove is active in regional collaborations to support climate resilience and adaptation, including projects with the Edmonton Metropolitan Region Climate Resilience Collaborative:

From 2020 to 2021, the City conducted extensive community engagement in the development of the Climate Change Action Plan. The process included online workshops, webinars, and surveys.


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