Welcome to the CityView portal – Spruce Grove's new building and development experience!

  • Apply online for development permits, construction and trades permits, lot grading, business licences, inspections and other applications and approvals
  • Pay fees online
  • View the status of your applications

Start at Step 1 below. If you have any trouble, visit CityView Help.

Step 1

Select a project

Choose a project from the options below. After you make a selection, you will see a checklist of required documents and forms.

I want to

Step 2

Gather/complete the required documents and forms

For your project, you will need to submit the application(s) below.

  • Each white box below is a separate application.
  • Each application has a checklist of required documents.
  • Refer to the checklist and download the documents and forms.

Tip: Print or save the checklist for your project. (If you do not see a checklist, select a project from the drop-down options in Step 1.)

Business Application

Land Development Application

You will need to complete the following applications in CityView:

Building and Trades

You will need to complete the following applications in CityView:

Building and Trades

You will need to complete the following applications in CityView:

Building and Trades

You will need to complete the following applications in CityView:

Building and Trades

You will need to complete the following applications in CityView:

Building and Trades

You will need to complete the following applications in CityView:

Building, Trades, and Lot Grading Application

You will need to complete the following applications in CityView:

Building, Trades, and Lot Grading Application

You will need to complete the following applications in CityView:

Building, Trades, and Lot Grading Application

You will need to complete the following applications in CityView:

Building, Trades, and Lot Grading Application

You will need to complete the following applications in CityView:

Building, Trades, and Lot Grading Application

You will need to complete the following applications in CityView:

Building, Trades, and Lot Grading Application

You will need to complete the following applications in CityView:

Infrastructure Use Application

You will need to complete the following applications in CityView:

Contact the Development Officer

For this project, please contact the Development Officer at 780-962-7582 or by sending an email to

Statutory Plans and Bylaws Application

You will need to complete the following applications in CityView:

Development Permit Application

You will need to complete the following applications in CityView:

Building, Trades, and Lot Grading Application

You will need to complete the following applications in CityView:

No permit required for this project.

Lot Grading & Water and Sewer

You will need to complete the following applications in CityView:

Step 3

Submit applications in CityView

After you have gathered and completed the required documents and forms, open CityView to submit your application(s).