Zero Side Yard Development

To increase housing choices in our community, the City supports zero side yard housing developments in the Greenbury, Easton and Copperhaven neighbourhoods.

A zero-side yard housing development is a housing option where one side of a single detached residence touches the property line, and the other side of the home has a setback of 1.5 metres between it and the neighbouring residence. The side yard with the 1.5 metre setback has an easement agreement with the neighbouring home to provide access for building maintenance and to ensure shared surface water drainage occurs as approved by the City.

A single detached zero side yard housing development is guided by the Land Use Bylaw, and supports the Municipal Development Plan policies for ensuring available land is used efficiently and increases housing diversity in the City. This type of development also supports the housing and growth goals of the Edmonton Metropolitan Region Growth Plan.

Frequently Asked Questions

A zero side yard housing development is a development that allows one side of a single detached residence to be built directly to the property line and the other side of the home has a 1.5 metre side yard. This 1.5 metre side yard provides yard space for the home and includes a shared easement that is registered on the land title. The easement provides legal rights to the neighbouring resident for guaranteed access for building maintenance, grading for water drainage, and to identify restrictions for what can and cannot be built within the easement area. 

The City has added zero side yard housing developments for single detached residences in the Greenbury, Easton and Copperhaven neighbourhoods. This provides residents additional diverse housing options that support regional housing density goals as informed by the Edmonton Metropolitan Region Growth Plan and the City’s Municipal Development Plan.

A single detached residence traditionally has a private side yard that connects the homeowners front and back yard on both sides. Whereas, a single detached zero side yard development only has one side yard, and the other side of the house is built to the property line of the development.

A setback is the minimum distance that a building or structure may be located in relation to its property line. A setback area is intended to be a buffer between neighbouring homes and it must be graded and landscaped.

An easement is an agreement that provides a resident the right to cross or otherwise use someone else's land for a specific purpose. For zero side yard developments, an easement gives the person whose house is built to a property line the right to access the 1.5 metre side yard – that belongs to a neighbour – for building maintenance and to ensure that surface water drainage occurs as approved by the City.

The 1.5 metre easement in a zero side yard development is owned and maintained by the property owner. The neighbour is guaranteed limited access and rights to maintain their residence, this includes painting, repairs, maintenance and drainage.

A fence may be built in the rear yard of the development between the two properties and a gate can be installed for access to the easement area.

Mutual easement agreements advise these areas should remain unobstructed from items including, but not limited to, air conditioners, general storage, sheds, decks, bins, and reels for garden hoses.

More information about zero side yard developments can be found in the Land Use Bylaw in:

  • Section 52 - Zero Side Yard Developments
  • Section 117 - GPL – Greenbury Planned Lot District
  • Section 117A - EPL – Easton Planned Lot District
  • Section 117B - CPL – Copperhaven Planned Lot District

Contact Us

For questions about single detached zero side yard developments, contact the Planning and Development Department at or 780-962-7582.