Compliance Requests

When you sell your home, the buyer may ask for a Real Property Report (RPR) with a compliance certificate. The City of Spruce Grove provides a review of property to ensure compliance with Land Use Bylaw requirements.

A Development Officer reviews your application to ensure there is total compliance. That means

  • all the existing developments on the property have the required development permits, and
  • structures meet all setback, separation, distance and use regulations.

If your property is compliant with the Land Use Bylaw, you will receive a signed RPR back with a stamp. If your property does not comply, you will receive a letter stating why. You may be required to take corrective action as directed by the City.

The applicant may correct the issues and request an updated compliance (re-stamp) within six months (additional fee).

Compliance request application

  1. Completed Compliance Certificate Application Form
  2. Original Real Property Reports or Surveyor's Certificate. It should be
    • no more than five years old, or
    • between five and 10 years old, accompanied by an affidavit testifying that there have been no changes to the property since the Surveyor's Report.
  3. Copy of a Certificate of Title no older than three months (registries office)
  4. Application fee as per Development Fees and Fines

File review requests

A property owner may apply for a File Review if they wish to have a more thorough review of their property. A File Review includes a review of:

  • All development approvals
  • Safety codes permits (building, gas, plumbing and electrical)
  • Lot grading

File review application

  1. Completed File Review Application
  2. Copy of a Certificate of Title no older than three months (registries office)
  3. Proof of property owner approval in one of two ways:
    1. Owner signs the File Review Application form (see #1), or
    2. Owner provides verification of representation on the File Review Request Authorization of Representation Form
  4. Application fee as per Development Fees and Fines

Submit forms

In person By mail Portal 

315 Jespersen Ave
Spruce Grove, Alberta

City of Spruce Grove
Planning and Development
315 Jespersen Avenue
Spruce Grove, Alberta
T7X 3E8

Sign up to submit all applications, pay fees and view status of application online

Compliance Request FAQs

A letter of compliance is confirmation from the City of Spruce Grove if development on a property meets the regulations of the Land Use Bylaw.

Common reasons for not granting compliance include:

  • Projections, such as eaves and cantilevers, too close to the side property line.
  • Decks too close to property lines.
  • Privacy walls failing to meet height requirement.
  • Accessory buildings too close to the house.


If you have any questions about compliance requests, please contact the Planning and Development department.