Transportation Master Plan

Transportation Master Plan coverTransportation Master Plan

The Transportation Master Plan (TMP) is a plan that is simple to understand, affordable to implement, and practical for the people of Spruce Grove to use. Your TMP will guide the development of transportation facilities and services over the next 30 years, to 2042.

A TMP isn’t just for car drivers and roads – all modes and all transportation facilities are considered in our approach. Whether you’re a pedestrian, a cyclist, a transit passenger, a carpooler, or someone responsible for goods movement, your transportation needs will be considered.

Community Growth and the TMP

The Transportation Master Plan needs to plan transportation to serve growth in Spruce Grove over the next 30 years, to 2040. Sometimes, it is difficult to predict growth over even the next five years as the economy rises and falls, so trying to predict what will happen over the next 30 years can be even more difficult. City staff have made their best estimates based on current conditions.

These estimates indicate that the residential population for Spruce Grove is expected to grow from about 25,000 persons to about 60,000 residents by 2040 – an increase of 140%. The number of jobs available in Spruce Grove is expected to grow at a similar rate.

The Spruce Grove TMP isn’t just for car drivers and roads – all modes and all transportation facilities are considered in our approach. We will base our transportation recommendations on these population and employment forecasts, as well as on your feedback, in order to develop a TMP that will address Spruce Grove’s transportation challenges and opportunities.

Future residential and employment land uses in Spruce Grove may develop in a way that reduces the length of your trips, allowing you to take alternative modes of transportation, such as walking, cycling, transit, or carpooling.

Projected growth estimates for population and employment

 2012 projected growth estimates chart

For more information

Call us at 780-962-2611 or send email for more information.