Greenhouse Gas Inventory Update and Analysis Report

The 2018-2019 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Inventory Update and Analysis report summarizes Spruce Grove’s estimated GHG emissions for the years 2018 and 2019. The report also reviews trends in our GHG emissions over time and assesses progress towards our energy use and GHG emission reduction goals for 2035.


  • GHG emissions in 2019 from all community and local government (‘corporate’) sources were about 450,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents (t C02eq). This is the same level as 2015 despite our population increasing by about 16%.
  • Total energy use in Spruce Grove has risen by 12% since 2015. However, energy use per resident has declined by 5%. This suggests we are becoming more energy efficient.
  • Total GHG emissions per resident has fallen by 15% since 2015, from 14 t C02eq to 12 t C02eq in 2019. This suggests that in addition to being more efficient with the energy we consume, we are also consuming less GHG intensive energy. The primary reason for this is the greening of the provincial electricity grid.
  • These are positive trends as we move towards our energy and GHG reduction goals for 2035.


Total GHG emissions are split into ‘corporate’ emissions (from City buildings and activities) and ‘community’ emissions (from residential, business and industry activities). Emissions from corporate sources made up 1.6% of the Spruce Grove’s total emissions in 2019, with the remaining 98.4% coming from community sources.

In 2015 the City set an energy reduction and GHG reduction goal for both corporate and community GHG emissions. All goals were expressed as percentage reductions in per-resident emissions by 2035 relative to 2015. Our progress to date is summarised below.

Corporate energy and GHG emissions

  • Corporate energy use per resident declined by 6% between 2015 and 2019, compared to the 2035 goal of a 40% reduction on 2015 levels.
  • Corporate GHG emissions per resident declined by 27%, compared to the 2035 goal of a 50% reduction on 2015 levels.

Community energy and GHGs

  • Community energy use per resident declined by 5% between 2015 and 2019, compared to the 2035 goal of a 25% reduction on 2015 levels.
  • Community GHG emissions per resident declined by 14%, compared to the 2035 goal of a 35% reduction on 2015 levels.

We have made progress towards each of our 2035 goals, but there is still much more work to do.

In 2021, the City will investigate the benefits and costs of a range of actions to put us on a path to achieve much more ambitious GHG emission reductions by 2050. Stay tuned for opportunities to have your say on what this looks like.


Phone: 780-962-2611 ext. 191