Collision Dashboard
The Collisions Dashboard offers an overview of collisions on roadways within the city of Spruce Grove.
Since 2022, the number of collisions within the city has been dropping despite an increase in population and traffic volumes. The City of Spruce Grove is committed to traffic safety and creating safe and accessible roads for all residents. The City’s approach to traffic safety combines engineering design, enforcement, and education. This includes incorporating safety enhancements such as speed limit reductions, "Your Speed" signs, traffic calming measures like speed tables and bump outs, enhanced traffic signals and signage, and safer crosswalks for pedestrians.
Traffic collisions must be reported to the police if it results in death, injury or property damage of $5,000 or more. This data is based on collisions reported by Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridors.
The information provided is “as is” and “as available” at the time of publishing. The City of Spruce Grove cannot guarantee its accuracy or completeness. Due to continuing police investigation, some numbers presented in this report may be subject to revision.
View the interactive dashboard
Interactive Dashboard Functions
The Dashboard is interactive and can be filtered by clicking on the year, month, or day of the week. The dashboard is best viewed on a desktop, maximized to full screen.
What is the source of the data?
The data is provided to the City by Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridors.
How often is the data updated?
The data is updated once a month.
Why can’t I see the most recent data?
The reporting reflects the data available at the time of last update, and numbers may be subject to revision due to continuing police investigations.
What is included in these statistics?
The number of collisions reported in Spruce Grove by Alberta Transportation, the collision type (Injury, Property Damage) and the location of the collision.
How do I request a report for a specific collision?
If you have been in a collision, you can obtain your free driver copy of the collision report from the Online Collision Report System website.
I was involved in a collision; how do I report it?
For information on reporting a collision, please visit: