Public Notice - Bylaw C-1383-25 - Off-site Levy Bylaw

TAKE NOTICE that in accordance with Section 648 of the Municipal Government Act notice is given of the intent of the Council of the City of Spruce Grove to consider Bylaw C-1383-25 to establish off-site levies for sanitary sewer, water, roadways, recreation, fire, and library.

First reading to Bylaw C-1383-25 was given by council on March 24, 2025.  The purpose of the bylaw is to update the off-site levy rates.

A copy of the proposed bylaw may be examined at the office of the Engineering Department, located at 315 Jespersen Ave in Spruce Grove, between the hours of 8:30 am and 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday.  Or an electronic copy can be provided upon request.


Contact Rae-Lynne Spila, P.Eng.
Acting Director of Engineer
780-962-7634 ext. 218