Roadway speed limit study recommends speed limit reductions

June 28, 2023

Based on recommendations from a recently conducted Spruce Grove Roadway Speed Limit study, City Council has approved some upcoming roadway speed limit reductions in Spruce Grove.

The study and recommendations were presented to Council during a June 26 meeting.


  • Some schools are being re-evaluated and relevant school and playground areas/zones will have updated speed limits and be signed accordingly. These changes will be in effect in advance of the start of the 2023/2024 school year.
  • The speed limit on local roads will be reduced from the current 50 km/h to 40 km/h. This will go into effect in summer of 2024. This time frame will allow for the development of an implementation plan, as well as a communication plan and education campaign to ensure community members and motorists are aware of the change.

Additionally, further analysis will be done on major collector and arterial roadways with recommendations coming to Council by June 30, 2024.

Information will be shared with the community as these changes come into effect and will include an awareness and education campaign.