McLeod Avenue pedestrian crosswalks

September 7, 2023

To enhance pedestrian safety on McLeod Avenue between King Street and Manor Drive, the City has installed concrete bump outs.

The bump outs look unusual right now because only the concrete work has been completed. There are currently temporary delineators in place to enhance visibility and permanent signage will soon be going up once the concrete has had time to properly cure. Line painting is expected to occur the week of September 11.

Once complete, the bump outs will look similar to this:

This photo shows a larger temporary bump out located in another city. The ones installed on McLeod Avenue will look slightly different because they are smaller and permanent. The signage on the bump outs will include a pedestrian crossing sign.

Frequently asked questions

Why did the City install concrete bump outs along this section of McLeod Avenue?

The City was considering putting a sidewalk on the south side of McLeod Avenue in that area to improve pedestrian safety. Due to feedback received, the City began exploring alternative methods for having pedestrians cross McLeod Avenue to get to the sidewalk on the north side of the street.

The solution that was decided on was to install more crosswalks in this area. Due to higher traffic on this street and a wider roadway, the pedestrian bump outs were installed to narrow the road, which has the effect of causing drivers to slow down. Additionally, they provide visibility for the crosswalks.

Bump outs are often used in older areas where the cost of redesigning sidewalks and drainage systems would be too expensive to make this important change for pedestrians. The bump outs allow the existing drainage to still function while adding the pedestrian safety benefits.

What is a concrete bump out?

A concrete bump out, also known as a curb extension or sidewalk extension, is a traffic-calming measure that protrudes into the road typically at intersections or mid-block locations. They serve several purposes, including improving pedestrian safety, reducing vehicle speeds, and enhancing the aesthetics of the area. These bump outs will help pedestrians cross safely across McLeod Avenue.

What is the purpose of the bump outs on McLeod Avenue?

The primary purpose of the work on McLeod Avenue is to enhance pedestrian safety by providing a designated area for pedestrians to cross the road and access the sidewalk. Given the higher traffic volume on this road and its width, the City opted to install pedestrian bump outs to improve pedestrian safety and encourage reduced speeds

Will this affect snow clearing in the winter?

Snow removal operations were considered in the planning phase of the bump outs and snow removal will continue to take place safely and efficiently in this area.