Civic Centre project update – June 20, 2023

June 20, 2023

Over the past four months, significant construction work has occurred at the Civic Centre site. An update on this work was provided to City Council during the June 19, 2023, Governance and Priorities Committee meeting.

LEED certification

The Civic Centre is being developed as a LEED certified facility, which means it is incorporating green building strategies in its construction and operation. An energy model that was completed for the Civic Centre shows it will consume 15 per cent less energy and generate 28.7 per cent less greenhouse gas emissions than the reference building in the National Energy Code for buildings, 2017.

Construction progress

There is significant construction activity occurring on site, including an average of 45 personnel and 19 pieces of heavy equipment. To date, an estimated $6.4 million worth of construction has been completed on the Civic Centre.

By the end of May the structural piling was complete, as was the sanitary, storm, and water networks that will service the Transit Centre and nearby commercial property. Utility installation to the Civic Centre facility and the rest of the site is ongoing.

The focus for the remainder of the summer will be completing the utility installation, foundations, and backfilling the site in preparation for the installation of structural steel and the pre-engineered buildings.


Substantial completion of the Civic Centre is anticipated by the end of November 2024, at which time it will be handed over to the City to complete the installation of furniture, fixtures and equipment. The anticipated opening date for the Civic Centre is early 2025; however, these dates are dependent on various factors including site conditions, weather and construction complications.