City Hall and Columbus Park lights up red in support of MADD Parkland

November 16, 2023

Landmarks, municipal buildings and provincial government buildings across the country, including City Hall and Columbus Park in Spruce Grove, are lighting up red to help spread the sober driving message and prevent impaired driving this holiday season.

It is all part of MADD Canada’s annual Project Red Ribbon holiday awareness campaign (November 1 – January 8). Project Red Ribbon raises awareness about the risks of impaired driving during the holiday season and urges people to plan ahead for a sober ride home if they are going to be consuming alcohol, cannabis or other drugs. Take an Uber or a taxi, take public transit, arrange a designated driver, or plan to spend the night.

“By lighting up both City Hall and Columbus Park in red, we are helping to share an important message and reminder to everyone about staying safe and driving sober during the upcoming holiday season and all year long,” said Mayor Jeff Acker. “This is just one way we can help show our support for the incredible work of MADD Parkland and their important work around the Red Ribbon Campaign.”