Back to school – school zone reminders

August 22, 2023

It’s back to school season! With students returning to classrooms in a couple of weeks, local roads, sidewalks, and crosswalks will be busy with an increase in both vehicle and pedestrian traffic, so please take extra care to keep everyone safe!

Schoolzone Map
Click the thumbnail to see a larger image.

Motorists are required to slow down when driving through designated school zones and should use extra caution in all school and playground areas. As a reminder designated school zones with a maximum speed limit of 30 km/h on school days between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. are located at:

  • King Street adjacent to Brookwood School and Woodhaven Middle School
  • Pioneer Road near the Prescott Learning Centre
  • Greystone Drive between Grove Drive and Greenwood Drive
  • École Broxton Park School *NEW*
  • St. Joseph Catholic School *NEW*
  • Copperhaven School *NEW*

The three new school zones have been added as a result of recommendations from a recently conducted Spruce Grove Roadway Speed Limit study. The study and recommendations were presented to Council during a June 26 meeting.

It’s also important to pay attention at intersections and crosswalks. Watch for pedestrians and obey all traffic signs and signals.

Keep an eye out for school buses and their stop arms and flashing lights. Never pass a bus that has stopped to let students get on or off, and when a bus is stopped, leave enough room between your vehicle and the bus to allow students to safely cross the street.

Playground areas are present throughout the City. These areas do not have speed restrictions, but motorists should be aware that children may be present, and they may have to stop suddenly. They have yellow signs that show a person running after a ball.

Playground zones are signed at 30 km/h and motorists are required to slow down.

Read more about traffic safety in Spruce Grove.