Social Media Terms of Engagement

The City of Spruce Grove makes use of several social media platforms. The purpose of our social media is to share matters of public interest. Our social media sites are moderated online discussions and not intended to be public forums or official records of public opinion on topics that are reviewed by City Council. Interested parties are encouraged to participate in a council meeting for this purpose. We reserve the right to limit or disable comments.

Once posted, the City of Spruce Grove reserves the right to delete all spam, advertising or comments which are inaccurate, off-topic, misleading, threatening, offensive, hateful and/or defamatory or otherwise objectionable including:

  • Content containing defamatory, offensive, profane, hateful, insulting, rude, abusive, aggressive or violent language
  • Personal attacks including name calling, bullying and use of intimidation
  • Content that promotes, fosters or perpetuates discrimination on the basis of race, national or ethnic origin, age, creed, gender, marital status, socio-economic status, physical or mental disability, or sexual orientation
  • Content containing sexual content or links to sexual content
  • Content containing commercial messages, advertising or marketing materials
  • Content encouraging illegal activity
  • Content that invades personal privacy
  • Information that could compromise public safety or security, or operations
  • Content that violates a legal ownership interest of any other party
  • Unintelligible or irrelevant messages
  • Messages that impersonate or misrepresent someone else, including public figures or City officials
  • Comments not topically related to the original post

To ensure a safe and healthy online environment, determining which content is objectionable will be the sole discretion of the City of Spruce Grove.​

Content that violates these terms of engagement will be removed without notice. We reserve the right to ban users who repeatedly violate the terms of engagement.  

The City of Spruce Grove is not responsible for any use of material posted by users. We reserve the right to modify the terms of engagement at any time.