2019 By-election Candidate Financial Disclosure Statements

Campaign finance disclosure and campaign surplus

The legislation under Part 5.1 of the Local Authorities Election Act (LAEA) indicates that Candidates must reconcile their campaign finances and submit Form 26  , Campaign Disclosure Statement and Financial Statement to the municipality within 120 days after a by-election.

Campaign disclosure statements are public documents, may be inspected by any person upon request during regular business hours and are posted here on the City of Spruce Grove’s website.

Campaign surpluses from candidates of the City’s 2019 municipal by-election must be received by the municipality on or before November 7, 2019.

Disclosure statements will be posted below as they are received. Following the November 7, 2019, deadline, a public report will be made to council indicating the names of any candidates who have not complied with the disclosure requirements.

Councillor Statement 
Jeff Acker Disclosure Statement
Jan Gillett Disclosure Statement
Sheri Lynn Ratsoy Disclosure Statement
Beverley Tyson Disclosure Statement