2017 Election Candidate Financial Disclosure Statements

Campaign finance disclosure and campaign surplus

The legislation under Part 5.1 of the Local Authorities Election Act (LAEA) indicates that Candidates must reconcile their campaign finances and submit Form 21  , Campaign Disclosure Statement to the municipality on or before March 1, 2018 unless they are specifically exempted under the self-funded campaign provisions.

Campaign disclosure statements are public documents, may be inspected by any person upon request during regular business hours and are posted here on the City of Spruce Grove’s website.

Campaign surpluses from candidates of the City’s 2017 municipal election must be received by the municipality on or before March 1, 2018.

If a candidate's campaign is entirely self-funded up to $10,000, there is no legislative requirement for candidates to submit a disclosure statement to the municipality.

As of March 30, 2018, the following candidate registered their notice of intent to become a candidate for the 2017 general municipal election, has not submitted a 'Campaign Disclosure Statement, a 'Self-Funded Campaign Voluntary Statement', or declared that they were self-funded for the 2017 Election.

  • Daniel Corbett



Stuart Houston * Disclosure Statement  
Mr. Daniel Doornekamp Self-funded
 Stephanie Chard Disclosure Statement  
 Owen Garratt Self-funded
 Jan Gillett Self-funded
 Reid MacDonald Disclosure Statement  
 Chantal McKenzie * Disclosure Statement  
 Ed McLean  Self-funded
 Trevor Norris ** Disclosure Statement  
Dave Oldham * Disclosure Statement  
Wayne Rothe * Self-funded
Bill Steinburg Disclosure Statement  
Erin Stevenson * Disclosure Statement  
Michelle Thiebaud – Gruhlke * Self-funded
Searle Turton * Disclosure Statement  

* Elected
** Did not run