
2023 census

Spruce Grove’s population is 38,985, according to the 2023 municipal census. The average annual population growth rate for the past ten years is 3.41 per cent, and more than 66 per cent of Spruce Grove residents have lived in the city for more than five years!

For a snapshot of select results, check out the census highlights infographic . The full census demographic report is also available to view.

The results from previous censuses are available online.

Why does the City conduct a census?

The census is an official door-to-door count of the number of people living in Spruce Grove, but it's more than just a headcount! The census plays a vital role in shaping our City and determining how resources are allocated. Census data is used to make informed decisions about the delivery of future services, including community growth plans, recreational facilities, emergency response and much more.


If you have any questions about the census, please review the frequently asked questions, call 780-962-7615 or email census@sprucegrove.org .