Cannabis Retail

Opening a cannabis retail business in Spruce Grove

A retail store for Cannabis Sales requires a Development Permit prior to operating within the City of Spruce Grove.

A Development Permit application must be submitted through the City’s CityView Portal for consideration.

Cannabis Sales retail businesses must meet the definitions and regulations of the City’s Land Use Bylaw within the following sections:

  • Section 7 – Definitions (Cannabis Sales)
  • Section 56 - Alcohol and Cannabis Sales
  • Section 80D – Cannabis Sales

The City provides two maps to support making applications:

* Development Permits for Cannabis Sales will be added when approved, and any inactive locations will be removed yearly to keep an up-to-date view of the City’s Cannabis Sales landscape.


If you have more questions regarding Cannabis Retail Store regulations:

Permits and licensing

Cannabis Sales require the following permits and licensing:

  • Applications must be submitted through CityView
  • Please see our Cannabis Sales Development Permit Checklist for an outline of the required documents for application.
  • Applications are reviewed for compliance with the Land Use Bylaw’s requirements.
  • Applications are assessed to determine if a Building Permit and / or a Business Licence is required.
  • For questions, or to discuss your plans to develop a new building for Cannabis Sales, contact a Development Officer at 780-962-7582 or by email.
  • A determination regarding whether a Building Permit is required will be communicated to an applicant during the development permit review.
  • Additional building information may be required if changing an existing building’s occupancy type or where structural changes are proposed.
  • Please refer to the Building Permit section of CityView for more information and the complete application process.
  • A Business Licence is required for every business operating in the City, and it may be issued after all permits and licences are received.
  • A copy of an issued Business Licence will be sent directly to the Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis (AGLC).
  • The AGLC provides a copy of the approved Business Licence to the applicant when they issue the AGLC Cannabis Store Licence.
  • Please refer to our Business Licence section of CityView for more information and the complete application process.
  • AGLC requires Spruce Grove Fire Department approval prior their issuance of an AGLC Cannabis Store Licence.
  • Your requests for Fire Services approval can be made to Spruce Grove Fire Services, Fire Prevention Office, by calling 780-962-4496 or email.
  • Alberta Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis (AGLC) is the Provincial agency responsible for issuing cannabis store licences.
  • An AGLC application requires City approvals for:
    • Development Permit
    • Building Permit
    • Business Licence
    • Fire Services Inspection

Cannabis Retail FAQs

The City has broad authority to determine the placement of cannabis retail locations, including: which zoning districts to allow cannabis retail; 

Regulations are outlined in the City’s Land Use Bylaw.

A prospective business owner must comply with definitions and regulations governing the location of a Cannabis Sales as outlined in the Spruce Grove Land Use Bylaw.

A map outlining areas where Cannabis Sales are listed as a discretionary use can be found here.

Generally, no. The only items that can be sold with cannabis is a Cannabis Accessory which is a item commonly associated with its consumption (example: rolling paper, pipes, etc.). Cannabis must be the primary product and associated accessories secondary. Businesses cannot sell any other items in a cannabis retail store, including food products.

The minimum age is set by the province to be 18 years old, which aligns with the age requirements to purchase alcohol and tobacco.

Yes. The City’s Land Use Bylaw may allow for cannabis production by Development Permit application for a Cannabis Production Facility.

A Cannabis Production Facility is a stand-alone building where cannabis is grown, tested, and processed for distribution purposes. This does not include the retail sales of cannabis as an accessory use.  

The AGLC has an extensive FAQ section answering a range of topics.