
Volunteers play a crucial role in our community by offering their time, skills, and compassion to support programs, address local needs, and foster a sense of unity. They help create a stronger, more connected community. There are many ways to volunteer in Spruce Grove. 

Volunteer for City events

The City hosts numerous community events each year, including our Canada Day, Alberta Day, and Light Up celebrations. These events would not be possible without the support of dedicated, passionate volunteers. In fact, in 2024 our volunteers served more than 300 hours supporting these events! Volunteers may be asked to take on various roles including:

  • Set up/tear down
  • Vendor load in/load out
  • Food and drink attendant
  • Greeters
  • Ushers
  • Activity attendant
  • Host teams
  • Transportation
  • Site management

Are you at least 12 years old and interested in volunteering for a City event? Email eventvolunteers@sprucegrove.org or fill out the Event Volunteer Form and we will be in touch! 

Join a City board or committee

Council-appointed boards and committees are made up of enthusiastic people from various backgrounds who are tasked with advising or making recommendations to City Council on policy issues. Boards and committees may be comprised of members of the public and Council representatives, or exclusively members of the public. Recruitment to fill vacancies takes place each fall. Joining a Council-appointed board or committee allows you to:
  • Contribute to your community
  • Promote diverse ideas and perspectives to influence decisions facing Spruce Grove
  • Expand your network by connecting with fellow residents
  • Gain insight into municipal governance
  • Add experience to your resume

National Volunteer Week

Every year in April, National Volunteer Week is celebrated in Spruce Grove and across the country. Learn more about National Volunteer Week and the events planned in the Tri Municipal Region.


The City has partnered with JustServe to recruit volunteers and promote volunteer opportunities for both City-led and community-led initiatives. Click on the logo to see current volunteer opportunities.

Residents can also find volunteer opportunities through the Stony Plain Volunteer Centre.

Other opportunities