Community Clean-Up

Zoom in to view clean up locations. Green spaces, parks, trails and schools are available unless indicated by a purple icon as 'booked'.

Join us to "Spruce Up" Your Neighbourhood!

Gather friends and family to make a difference at your own time and pace. This self-directed clean-up lets you "Spruce Up" your neighbourhoods, parks and community spaces. Connect with others and give back to Spruce Grove.

Clean Up is a 5-week annual initiatve encouraging residents, groups, schools, and businesses to "Spruce Up" their community.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Before you can sign up for any activities you will need to create your ‘My Impact’ account in the Better Impact software and complete a volunteer application form.  You will only have to do this once.

  1. Click HERE to create your My Impact Volunteer account.

Note:  If you already have a My Impact profile for another organization, you don't need to register again, log in with that same Username and Password.

  1. Complete the City of Spruce Grove Recreation & Culture Volunteer Application Form. You will receive a ‘Welcome’ email after you complete the application. 

Once you have completed the application you can start volunteering

Click HERE to log into your “My Impact” account.

Sign up for Activities

  1. Go to the OPPORTUNITIES LIST (located under the ‘OPPORTUNITIES’ menu) and Sign Up for the activity that you will be participating in.
  2. Go to ADDITIONAL INFO (located under the ‘MY PROFILE’ menu) and answer the questions related to the activities that you Signed Up for. Remember to click on ‘Save’ to save your responses.
  3. To register for a second activity, return to the OPPORTUNITIES tab and sign up.
  4. Watch your email for information related to your activity.

Before the start date of your activity, you will be emailed information related to the activity.  Please review all attachments and complete any requirements specified.

After completing the online registration form, our team will review your details and send a confirmation email to you approving your location. 

Cleaning supplies such as gloves and garbage bags can be picked up at the Border Paving Athletic Centre during operational hours. Our Customer Experience Representatives are happy to provide you with the materials needed. You are welcome to ask for more if required.

Border Paving Athletic Centre

  • #100, 9 Tri Leisure Way, Spruce Grove, Alberta T7X 0T3

Hours of operation (except stats)

  • Mon-Fri: 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 p.m.
  • Sat: 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m.
  • Sun: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
  • Please leave all bags near a garbage receptacle when at all possible.
  • Upon registration, someone from our team will connect with you regarding the best location to leave your bags post clean up. 
  • Send us a follow-up email with how many bags were collected and where they were placed (i.e., near a sign, landmark or garbage receptacle). This helps our crew plan the pickups and allows us to record and celebrate your contribution!
  • We encourage you to also take a picture of your cleaned up location and send it to our Community Development team. You will receive an extra entry into our door prize draw. Send all photos via email to

We are encouraging clean ups within the City of Spruce Grove in the following locations: 

  • Parks, school yards, green spaces & trails
  • We suggest looking at the map provided online to discover your desired area

For your safety, we have restricted the following locations:

  • *Restricted: highways, major roads, personal properties & yards, storm water management ponds, construction areas and railway right-aways

Yes! Depending on scheduled times of clean ups and dates, locations can be cleaned more than once. If you are unsure, a member of our team would be happy to coordinate the best possible location and or provide you with an alternative suggestion.

Yes! Our team would be happy to provide you with a volunteer reference letter for participating and volunteering your time upon request. Please reach out to team via email at


Thank you to our sponsor