Moving to Spruce Grove

Spruce Grove, Alberta, is a vibrant, dynamic city located west of Edmonton. It boasts a mix of industry, commerce and community that make Spruce Grove a great place to live, work and raise a family.

What to expect when buying a home in Spruce Grove

Thinking about buying a home in Spruce Grove? There can be many things to consider, so take a look at the list below and get prepared about what you may need to know about your property – and learn some homeowner lingo along the way too!

Will the vacant lot or field in the community always stay that way? What has the City planned for the neighbourhood?

Vacant lots and fields may not stay that way forever. Most are planned for future development such as housing, commercial uses, schools or parks. The best place to start is to see if there is an Area Structure Plan for your area.  These plans provide a land development concept map showing the general types of uses that are planned for the community.

Districting (sometimes called zoning) regulates the use and development of land more specifically. These districts, the permitted uses and associated regulations, and a Land Use Map, are found in the Land Use Bylaw.  If the land has been districted, you can find the types of uses in that District within the Land Use Bylaw.  Always check the surrounding land uses with the Planning and Development Department to understand what is being planned for the future.  

What is lot grading and why is it important?

The purpose of lot grading is to shape the land to direct storm water away from buildings and towards a City right-of-way. This ensures proper drainage in the neighbourhood and prevents flooding.

Here are some quick facts for you to know:

  • Property owners are responsible for their own lot grading.
  • Property owners must take the right steps to prevent flooding on their property or flooding on adjacent properties.
  • Property owners are not permitted to do anything that may cause flooding on neighbouring properties.
  • New homes require lot grading permits.

What do I need to do to build a garage, shed, fence, or deck, or do extensive renovations or extensions to my house?

Most projects require both a development permit (i.e. garage, shed, deck, extensions and extensive renovations) and a building permit. Be sure to check with a Development Officer and/or Safety Codes Officer to determine if you need one or both.

What is a compliance certificate and why do I need one?

A compliance certificate is a letter from the City that verifies development on a property meets the regulations of the Land Use Bylaw.  It could be either a stamped property survey (real property report) or a letter.

Real estate purchase contracts often require the seller to obtain a compliance certificate.  This is a service provided by the City’s Planning and Development Department for a fee.

Setting up a utility account

If you are moving to Spruce Grove you need to set up a utilities account to pay for water services, solid waste collection and stormwater. If you are already a resident and are moving to another location within the city, you need to close your current account and open a new one.

Get to know Spruce Grove

There's lots to do in Spruce Grove. If you're a performing arts lover or like to keep active, you are sure to find something for you.

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