Naturalized Yards

Naturalized yards are residential yards designed to mimic natural ecosystems and emphasize sustainability. They promote biodiversity by including a variety of plant species native to the local geographic area, including vegetation like shrubs, bushes, grasses and flowers.

Naturalized yards look different from a typical lawn with turfgrass. This is because of the variety of plant species, but also because naturalized yards are designed to simulate the growth of plants in the natural environment which reduces the need to water, mow and fertilize. This maintenance practice helps to conserve resources and create environmentally friendly landscapes.

As of July 1, 2024, residents are allowed to have naturalized yards on their properties as part of the implementation of the Community Standards Bylaw. Naturalized yards in Spruce Grove should not contain any noxious weeds defined in Alberta’s Weed Control Regulation. Furthermore, property owners must still maintain their yard and prevent vegetation from obstructing sidewalks and alleys or encroaching on a neighbour’s property.

Frequently asked questions

The Community Standards Bylaw defines a naturalized yard as, "a residential yard or part of a residential yard within which, in the sole opinion of a Peace Officer, there has been practiced a method of distribution and maintenance of plant species native to the geographic area of the City of Spruce Grove that simulates the growth of plants in the natural environment, and which does not include any Noxious Weeds or Prohibited Noxious Weeds."

While there are many differences between a naturalized yard and an unkept property, the main differences are in intention and maintenance. Naturalized yards are intentionally designed to mimic natural ecosystems and emphasize sustainability using plant species native to the local geographic area. Unkept properties lack intentional planning or design and likely don’t consider environmental benefits. Also, while naturalized yards require less maintenance than a traditional lawn, it will still require some upkeep. Unkept properties usually show signs of neglect like overgrown grass and uncontrolled weeds.

Community standards complaints can be reported to Enforcement Services through the online complaint portal or by calling 780-962-7586.