Public Hearing for West Area Structure Plan Amendment - Park Area Updates
Bylaw C-1345-24
- Council Chambers, Third Floor, City Hall
- 315 Jespersen Ave.
- Spruce Grove, Alberta
- Monday, March 24, 2025
- 6:00 PM
It is City Council’s intention to hold a public hearing as part of their consideration of Bylaw C-1345-24 – West Area Structure Plan Amendment- Park Area Updates. The proposed bylaw would slightly increase and adjust the configuration of parks allocation in the Copperhaven neighbourhood and reflect minor adjustments to the Stormwater Management Facility.
Click the thumbnail to view a larger version.
If you or someone you represent is affected by the proposed bylaw, you may address Council at the public hearing by attending the meeting in-person or by participating virtually. The Public Hearing is to be held:
Monday, March 24, 2025 at 6 p.m.
Council Chambers, City Hall
315 Jespersen Avenue
Participating virtually
Persons who wish to attend virtually, can either verbally speak or submit a question or statement to Council by email until the Public Hearing is closed. To arrange to verbally speak virtually you must pre-register with the City Clerk by Monday, March 24, 2025 at 12 p.m. by email or by calling 780-962-7615.
To provide an emailed question or statement you may email it until the Public Hearing is closed. Only one email per person is permitted.
Details will be provided after registration is complete. You will also be able to watch the public hearing online.
Participating in-person
Persons who wish to address Council in-person are not required to register to speak. Speakers will be limited to 5 minutes and permitted to speak only once.
Written submissions
Written submissions will be received by the City Clerk by mail at City Hall, 315 Jespersen Avenue, Spruce Grove, AB, T7X 3E8, or by email, until noon on Wednesday, March 19, 2025. These must be signed, dated, and contain your civic address. Written submissions received by this date/time will be included as part of the council meeting agenda package.
Copies of the proposed bylaw amendment(s) are available upon request from the Planning and Development Department by calling or emailing the case planner as noted below.
Please call Lee Ann Beaubien, Planner II, at 780-962-2611 ext. 592, or by sending an email.