Corporate Plan Governance and Priorities Committee Meeting - CANCELLED

  • Council Chambers, Third Floor, City Hall
  • 315 Jespersen Ave.
  • Spruce Grove, Alberta
    • Thursday, November 9, 2023
    • 5:00 PM

The Recommended 2024-2026 Corporate Plan presentations concluded on November 8. As a result, the November 9 Governance and Priorities Committee meeting has been cancelled. The meetings are open to the public and livestreamed.

The corporate plan outlines the resources required to deliver the City’s programs and services, provide funding to the community, and implement Council’s vision as described within the 2022-2025 City of Spruce Grove Strategic Plan.

During these meetings, Council will review the plan, discuss Administration’s recommendations and provide direction on what they’d like to see in the final corporate plan, which will be presented at the December 4 Council meeting.

City Council and Governance and Priorities Committee agendas and meeting minutes are available on the city website. Recordings are available following each meeting.