George B. Cuff
George Cuff has a Canada-wide reputation as an advisor, consultant, teacher, and author on the art and principles of governance and the elements of effective organizations. His background includes a Bachelor of Arts degree (with distinction) from the University of Alberta and work experience in banking, oil and gas, recreation administration, environmental protection, local government and the private sector.
George Cuff began work as a consultant in 1976 with the then Alberta Department of Recreation, Parks and Wildlife, where he acted as an advisor to recreation boards and local governments. He served four terms as mayor of Spruce Grove having been first elected in 1977. George was mayor at a very dynamic time in the history of Spruce Grove, when an unprecedented amount of development took place and new subdivisions like Millgrove (North and South), Woodside and Grove Meadows were added on. During his four terms as mayor the following events occurred:
- Parkland Ambulance Authority was established
- Horizon Stage was conceived and built
- Henry Singer Ballpark was established
- The Shenfield Centre was built and named
- The Allied Arts Council was conceived and established
- The Juried Arts Show (now the Open Art Competition) was initiated
- The annual Mayor’s Awards for honouring local citizens were established
- A rural-urban cost-sharing agreement (one of the first of its kind in Alberta) was entered into by Parkland County and Spruce Grove
- The Edmonton Regional Mayors’ Committee was established and led by Spruce Grove
Perhaps the greatest accomplishment during Mr. Cuff’s period in office was the creation of the City of Spruce Grove. Following its incorporation as a village in 1955 and a town in 1971, George Cuff and his Council oversaw the historical process leading to the incorporation of Spruce Grove as a city in 1986. George retired as mayor in 1989.
In his private life, as principal of George B. Cuff & Associates Ltd., George has focused on providing advice and counsel to rural and urban governments, provincial departments and agencies, and other groups involved in public service. His work has become more focused over time on the art of governance and the elements that help organizations become more effective.
George has published over 200 articles on local government and governance, as well as two books, Cuff’s Guide for Municipal Leaders, Volumes One and Two. In addition to having chaired numerous boards and committees, George is also a Past President of the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association (1982-83) and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (1988-89). He subsequently received the Award of Excellence from both of those organizations. George was also recognized as one of Alberta’s outstanding citizens by being awarded the Centennial Medal marking Alberta’s 100th year of incorporation (2005). He was honoured by his profession in 2007 when he was awarded the designation, FCMC, as a Fellow of the Canadian Management Consultants’ Association.
On a personal level, George is married to Arliss and they are the proud parents of three daughters, and ‘granny’ and ‘grampy’ to six grandchildren. Both George and Arliss are very active in their local church, Parkland Baptist, in Spruce Grove and supportive of a ministry in Romania. The proceeds of George’s writing go towards supporting a children’s camp in northwestern Romania.