Allan Shenfield
Selfless. Tireless. Visionary. These are words used to describe Mr. Allan Shenfield. Though he’s never technically lived within the borders of Spruce Grove, this man of action has impacted the lives of literally tens of thousands of people in the city and beyond. His impact can only be described as immeasurable and his achievements remarkable.
Allan Shenfield was born and raised on a farm just north of Spruce Grove. The farm is now his, and the retired farmer still resides there with his wife Maxine to this day. His history of volunteerism and service started at an early age. Mr. Shenfield joined the 4-H in 1942. He quickly rose through the ranks and became the leader of the Spruce Grove 4-H Grain Club in 1949. During his time with the group, he helped found the 4-H Foundation, a nonprofit charitable foundation to build and operate the Alberta 4-H Centre. Mr. Shenfield was inducted into the 4-H Hall of Fame in 1982, and continued to serve on the foundation until 1991.
As a farmer, agriculture and the rural way of life has always been near and dear to his heart. He’s a proud farmer, and he’s worked tirelessly to improve and promote agriculture in the community. In 1949, he worked with the Spruce Grove Electrification Association in bringing electricity to rural Spruce Grove.
His work in agriculture extends beyond Spruce Grove’s border. He initiated and oversaw the building of Northlands Agricom, a project that allowed farmers from all over Alberta to bring in their livestock for shows and sales. Today, the Agricom is a well-used facility for large-scale functions including trade shows and exhibitions.
In 1972, Mr. Shenfield formed the Spruce Grove and District Agricultural Society to enhance and promote the local farming industry. One of his dreams was to create a multipurpose agricultural and recreational facility. In 1974, after years of fundraising and volunteer hours, the Agrena doors were opened. He continued to serve on the Ag Society executive as vice-president and president until 1998.
Mr. Shenfield believes strongly the betterment of the community as a whole. In 1967, he became the Chairman of Hootenanny Days, a citywide summer celebration. In the late 1960s, he was one of the founders of the Society for the Expanded Recreational Complex. Today, you know it better as the Serplex, a joint-use school and community use facility.
Having helped build the Serplex and then the Agrena, Mr. Shenfield’s vision moved onto yet another project – the creation of a seniors’ centre where people could meet to socialize, play cards, read and play games. The centre opened in 1990 and continues to serve Spruce Grove’s seniors today.
Mr. Shenfield’s list of accomplishments goes on. He’s been the leader of the City’s recreation board, Golden Age Club, Spruce Grove and District Chamber of Commerce, Spruce Grove Teen Club, and was a charter member of the local Elks Club and Lions Club.
Though he has received the Queen’s Silver and Golden Jubilee medals, and having had the Shenfield Civic Centre named in his honour, Mr. Shenfield remains humble. He is quoted in a local newspaper saying, “I guess God put me on this earth to do something for somebody else.” It is with honour that the City of Spruce Grove gives back to a man who has given so much of himself.