Call For Walls Application Form

Fill out the form below to submit your wall to the City of Spruce Grove Mural Program. Complete separate forms if submitting more than one wall. Applications will be accepted year-round and kept on file for three years. A city representative will contact you if your wall is selected for the program.

Walls on residential properties or city-owned buildings are not eligible for this call.

(Street, City/Town, Province, Postal Code)


In feet and inches
In feet and inches
Select one of the following options.


Submit up to 3 high-quality images of the wall taken from different angles, including at least one showing the full wall and its surrounding context. Please note: Files accepted: JPEG, PNG, PDF. Each image must be 25 MB or less.

Terms & Conditions

I understand and agree that: the wall might be considered for the Mural Program for three years, with potential selection for a mural during that period; an agreement will be signed with the City of Spruce Grove if the wall is selected; I will be invited to participate in the design selection process; the City will contract an Artist to create the mural and will fund the mural’s creation, covering the Artist’s fee and the materials; I will ensure the wall is prepared for painting (e.g., cleaning, priming) and purchase an anti-graffiti coating approved by the City; I will keep the mural well-maintained and in good condition, without removing, replacing, or modifying it for a minimum of five years.

FOIP Disclaimer

Your personal information is being collected under the authority of section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used for the purpose of qualifying your application as a Canada Day vendor. Information will be held securely in our records for seven years and then destroyed and may be used to contact you for future events as a vendor with the City of Spruce Grove. If you have any questions about the collection and use of your personal information please contact the FOIP Coordinator at or call 780-962-2611.