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Community Standards

The City of Spruce Grove has set community standards to help ensure a safe, healthy and inviting community for all residents and visitors. Community standards in Spruce Grove are enabled and regulated by the Community Standards Bylaw, Open Space Area Bylaw, Traffic Bylaw and Land Use Bylaw.

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Community Standards are defined behaviours and expectations of residents and businesses in the community on private and public land and are regulated by City bylaws.

The Community Standards Bylaw came into effect on July 1, 2024 along with updates to the Open Space Area Bylaw, Traffic Bylaw and Land Use Bylaw, all of which contribute to enabling and regulating community standards.

City Council had set a goal in their 2022-2025 Strategic Plan to review bylaws to differentiate definitions of unkempt properties from land use standards that provide opportunities for eco-landscaping (Strategic Plan Action 6.b.3). Information on community standards were found to be distributed throughout several different bylaws. After public feedback was collected, the Community Standards Bylaw was developed, along with updates to other related bylaws, to reflect the needs and values of the community.

Administration started by researching the most commonly addressed topics in community standards bylaws in 18 other municipalities in Alberta. Then, in the spring and summer of 2023, the City conducted a survey to gather views from residents and businesses on expected behaviours and norms for various community standards, which received over 1,200 responses. City staff and Council attended community events, committee meetings and held information sessions to raise awareness and encourage participation in the survey. Based on this public feedback, the Community Standards Bylaw was developed. Work was also done to update and repeal existing legislation to align with the new standards.

The overarching goal with enforcement of any City bylaw is to achieve compliance. The first and most effective tools enforcement officers use are education and awareness. At the same time, officers have the ability, at their discretion, to use other tools up to and including orders and/or fines. The bylaws that govern community standards provide greater tools and clearer expectations to better address community standards matters.