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Canadian Code for Volunteer Involvement

Volunteer Canada has created the Canadian Code for Volunteer Involvement (CCVI), which they describe as:

Volunteer Canada created the Canadian Code for Volunteer Involvement to support organizations that engage volunteers. The Code is a framework for involving volunteers in all levels of an organization. This includes volunteers working in leadership, direct service and virtual roles.

We encourage all organizations to think about how they engage volunteers.

Background and Purpose

Volunteer Canada launched the Canadian Code for Volunteer Involvement in 2001. In 2012, we revised the Code to better reflect today’s volunteer landscape. The Code is designed to be adaptable. It’s meant to meet the needs of organizations of all sizes, in every community across Canada. An organization with a single staff member should be able to apply the Code. It should also be relevant to national organizations with staff spread out across the country. The Code supports organizations by:

  • Stating the values and benefits of volunteer involvement
  • Providing a framework for discussion and decision-making within organizations
  • Promoting meaningful volunteer involvement that meets the needs of both the organization and its volunteers
  • Together, these components encourage organizations to consider how they work with volunteers. The Code aims to improve volunteer involvement from coast to coast.

Throughout this manual you will see references made to policies, procedures and best practices. Your organization can use the CCVI as your reference for creating policies and procedures, and best practices in volunteer management.
