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Community Recreation Non-Profit Resource Directory


Alberta offers four main grants to non-profits – Community Facility Enhancement Program commonly known as CFEP, the Community Initiatives Program, referred to as CIP, Enhanced Capacity Advancement Program commonly known as ECAP and Other Initiatives Program referred to OIP. For other grant opportunities see resource section below. 

Community Facility Enhancement Program (CFEP)

CFEP funding provides financial assistance to acquire, build, purchase, repair, renovate, upgrade or expand sports, recreational, cultural or other related public-use community facilities.

CFEP has two funding streams:
- Small Funding Stream maximum funding request is $125.000. Organizations may be considered for up to $10,000 non-matching funding. See CFEP Guidelines in related links.
- Large Funding Stream is for projects requesting over $125,001 and up to $1 million.

Community Initiatives Program (CIP)

CIP provides funding for organizations that create opportunities to engage with and help develop their communities.

CIP has four funding streams:
- CIP Project-based grant supports projects that enhance and enrich communities by providing assistance to non-profit organizations for new programs & initiatives, community events and community publications.
- CIP Operating grant stream supports core operations and capacity building for non-profit organizations whose mission, outcomes and services makes an impact by enhancing the quality of life by providing direct programs & services that address social issues, creating equitable access to human, social & economic resources & services, and support community collaborations, involving multiple organizations to address broader human or social issues.
- CIP International Development grant stream provides funds to organizations working to support sustainable community development projects in developing nations.
- CIP Major Cultural and Sport Events grant is intended to streamline processes and maximize limited funding for organizations.

Enhanced Capacity Advancement Program (ECAP)

ECAP helps to advance and strengthen the non-profit/voluntary sector, by providing multi-year operational funding for up to 3 years. 

ECAP provides 2 levels of funding:
- Core funding allows a maximum of $75,000 annually is available, providing support for the operations and administration of an organization to further its mission. It is determined by the organization's ability to demonstrate strong capacity in leadership, adaptive capacity, management and operational capacity.
- Enhanced Capacity Building funding allows a maximum of $150,000 annually is available, providing support for broad range of activities designed to build the capacity of other non-profit organizations.

Other Initiatives Program (OIP)

OIP provides financial assistance for community-based projects that fall outside the scope of other Community Grants funding streams. This includes one-time projects, international disaster relief and projects that are emergency or urgent in nature. 


