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Community Recreation Non-Profit Resource Directory


Hosting an event can be one of the most rewarding experiences your organization will undertake.  In the sporting world the most common event is a tournament. Events such as tournaments can create lasting memories for the players, parents and community, as well as creating a legacy.

If you are governed by a provincial sport body, there will be logistics defined by them, such as tournament sanctions, required officials, and areas of protocol.

Once you have reached a consensus of your board and membership to host, and have examined the provincial sport body requirements as per above, you are ready to move into the planning stages.

You will be best served to create an Event Committee, to lead the planning from start to finish. A finely tuned planning process leads to a finely orchestrated event.  From conception of the committee, to the sponsorship, budgeting, accommodations, officials, and extra-curricular events for participants, the committee can oversee these items and not heighten the workload of the regular board.

As you determine to host or not, consider the resources required, namely financial and human. Does your organization have the capacity to host? Are you hosting to create awareness and enjoyment of the sport, or to raise funds. If the goal is to raise funds, be sure your budget shows a revenue equal to the manpower the event will require. Sometimes this is a fine balance, and the answer isn’t always easy.

An event hosting committee may have the following volunteers within the structure, serving under an Event Chair; Volunteers, Food Services, Marketing, Finance or Treasurer, Accommodations (athletes, officials, and dignitaries), Registration, Media, Sponsorship, Advertising.