Information for voters

Voter eligibility

Individuals can vote in the City of Spruce Grove’s municipal election if they:

  • are at least 18 years old;
  • are a Canadian citizen; and
  • are a resident of the City of Spruce Grove on Election Day (October 20, 2025).

Voting more than once is a punishable offense under the Local Authorities Election Act. Offenders face up to six months of imprisonment, a maximum fine of $10,000, or both.

Register to vote

In accordance with Section 49(1) of the Local Authorities Election Act, the City of Spruce Grove must prepare a permanent electors register of residents in the municipality who are eligible to vote. To check to see if you are registered to vote, visit Voterlink from which the City receives its list of eligible voters.

If you arrive at a voting station and your name does not appear on the permanent electors register, you will also have an opportunity to register to vote at that time.

Residency Requirement

Only eligible electors who live in the municipality will be permitted to vote in the City of Spruce Grove’s 2025 municipal election. If you have more than one residence in Alberta, you must designate one place of residence. Section 48 of the Local Authorities Election Act provides more information on determining residency.

Individuals who own property or a business in Spruce Grove, but are not residents, are not permitted to vote.

Voter identification

In order to vote, a voter must prove their identity and address. You can do this by:

  1. If you are on the Elector Register, producing one piece of identification issued by a Canadian government (federal, provincial or local) or an agency of the government, that includes a photograph (e.g. driver’s licence, motor vehicle operator’s licence); or

  2. If you either aren’t on the Elector Register or do not have the above described ID, making a statement that you are eligible to vote in the presence of an officer at the voting station, on a provided form, and validate your identity and address by producing:
    • One piece of identification issued by a Canadian government (federal, provincial or local) or an agency of the government, that includes a photograph, your name and your address;

    • One piece of authorized identification that establishes your name and current address. To view a list of acceptable ID please visit

    • One piece of authorized identification, that establishes your name and then another elector, who is on the registered voter list, validates your address. (Please refer to Vouching below).


Advance Voting Opportunities

Advance voting opportunities will be available at the following locations on the listed days and times:

Date Time Location
Wednesday, October 8 4 8 p.m. Will be posted closer to the advance voting dates
Friday, October 10 1 – 6 p.m. Will be posted closer to the advance voting dates
Tuesday, October 14 1 – 6 p.m. Will be posted closer to the advance voting dates
Thursday, October 16 4 8 p.m. Will be posted closer to the advance voting dates
Saturday, October 18 10 a.m. 4 p.m. Will be posted closer to the advance voting dates

Election Day

Date: Monday, October 20, 2025
Time: 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Locations: Will be posted closer to election day.

Office of Mayor and Office of Councillor

School Trustee

In accordance with Section 77.1 of the Local Authorities Election Act, any elector whose name is contained in the Permanent Electors Register and is unable to attend a voting station during advance voting or on election day may apply to vote by special ballot.

Stay tuned for information on how to request a Special Ballot.