Food Vendor Application Form

The application for food and non-alcoholic beverage vendors at our 2025 Canada Day Celebration is now open! Please apply by filling out the below form.

Personal information
- Optional
- Optional

Please provide a list of three events you have previously worked at as a vendor including reference names and contact information.
On site space requirements
Select all that apply:

How much space do you require?

IMPORTANT: Any tents onsite that are larger than 10’ x 10’ require a City of Spruce Grove Building Permit. Two 10’ x 10’ tents cannot be lashed together, they must be at least 3’ apart.

Power & water requirements

Terms and conditions

I understand:

ALL documents must be received by the required deadlines or my application will be considered null and void.

The City of Spruce Grove reserves the right to refuse any application received without providing justification.

Conditionally accepted applications become a binding contract with the City of Spruce Grove. I am required to set up and work onsite on July 1. Breaking this contract will result in losing my deposit and any other fees paid.

I have read the Spruce Grove Canada Day Vendor Rules and Regulations if applicable. I hereby acknowledge that if I do not follow them I will not be allowed to operate on the event site on July 1, my deposit will not be refunded, and/or I may not be allowed to participate in future City run events.

I HEREBY RELEASE the City of Spruce Grove, its agents, officials, directors, employees, volunteers, contractors, servants or representatives (hereinafter referred to as “the City of Spruce Grove”) from all responsibility for any death, injury, loss or damage of any kind suffered by myself, my agents, or employees, unless such loss or damage is caused by the negligence of the City of Spruce Grove. I HEREBY AGREE TO HOLD HARMLESS AND INDEMNIFY the City of Spruce Grove from any and all liability for any damage to property of or personal injury to any person resulting from my use, my agents use, or employees use, of or presence at the event.

Your personal information is being collected under the authority of section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used for the purpose of qualifying your application as a Canada Day vendor. Information will be held securely in our records for seven years and then destroyed and may be used to contact you for future events as a vendor with the City of Spruce Grove. If you have any questions about the collection and use of your personal information please contact the FOIP Coordinator at or call 780-962-2611